Never settle for biased and incomplete research with a Professional Membership to New Constructs.

(formerly our Unlimited membership)

Our Professional Membership makes the best stock investing tools even better, providing you with the research, ratings, and tools you need to manage risk and make confident decisions about your investments. We specialize in deep forensic accounting and leverage technology to shine lights in the dark corners of corporate disclosures to give you an edge. Our goal is to provide clients with the best fundamental research in the business.

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Our Professional Membership offers:

  • Detailed research, tracking and alerts for an unlimited amount of tickers across 50 portfolios.
  • More powerful screening and direct access to our databases.
  • Incorporate our data into your workflow with our API & Excel Add-In.

Compare New Constructs to the Competition

See how we stack up.

Machine learning makes the best stock investing software better, smarter, and faster than the competition. New Constructs offers more coverage with a focus on rigorous cash flow analysis than the competition. Our models are built on a data set that includes critical information from the footnotes and MD&A that other firms miss. We are totally transparent in our calculations and link all data back to the original SEC filings. We’re truly independent and don’t get paid by the companies or funds we cover.

Value Investing 2.0

The value investing process is the DNA that runs through our reports and tools. Your investment in a best stock investing software helps you eliminate the need to spend hours doing research in 200+ page annual reports. Let our forensic accounting experts and cutting-edge technology do the hard thinking for you.

Your New Professional Membership does the stock market research for you, which means we place the companies you select into an easy to use My Portfolio tracking tool that gives you access to our detailed reports and clear ratings. Ratings

We make it easy for you to make confident decisions. In the long-run, the stocks you place and keep in your portfolio are a direct reflection of your commitment to grow and protect your money. Your future is closer than you think and every decision matters. You need to know if there is critical information buried in an obscure disclosure in an annual report. With New Constructs’ best stock investing software, you can rest assured that you can find it.

You will clearly understand why a report recommends to buy or sell based on our deep forensic research. The tools are comprehensive but easy to follow so your decisions are made with conviction.

Trust the Research

Value investing is a lot of work. You might wonder if you really have the time to do the analysis or pick winning stocks. If so, don’t worry – it is possible to be a successful value investor without being an accountant.


You can feel confident in our research and stock picking software… here’s why.

Our ratings and research are based on the best fundamental data in the world, as proven in a paper forthcoming in The Journal of Financial Economics. Other highly respected institutions in both the public and private sectors have written papers on the superiority of our data and research as well.

This means as a New Professional Member you can find good companies at the right price with institutional quality investment research that is…finally…affordable.

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