Screening Tools
Our powerful screening tools allow members to find securities that meet their particular criteria. Screen stocks, ETFs & mutual funds to find the securities you are looking for.
Stock Screener

ETF & Mutual Fund Screener

Dynamic Data Screener
This video shows how Institutional members can directly access our database of analytics from our 5,000+ company valuation models in a matter of seconds with just a few clicks. See how it all works in the video below.
As you will see, using the Dynamic Data screener is as simple as:
- Choose data points (e.g. ROIC > 10%, Overall Rating, market cap, etc.).
- Choose companies for which you want the data (e.g. tech sector, one of your portfolios, the S&P 500, etc.).
- View the results on the web page or in excel.
Data points offered include everything from our models including valuation and operational metrics along with adjustments such as off-balance sheet debt and hidden non-operating income/gains.
If you have any questions or feedback, or would like to learn more about our Institutional offerings, please contact us at
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See our webinar on importance of ROIC and how to calculate it.
Get our report on "ROIC: The Paradigm For Linking Corporate Performance to Valuation."
This paper compares our analysis on a mega cap company to other major providers.