Top picks for stocks, ETFs and mutual funds.

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Stock Model Portfolios
Fund Model Portfolios
Long & Short Ideas
S&P 500 Macro Reports
NC 2000 Macro Reports

Best & Worst Sector ETFs & Mutual Funds

Each quarter, we present roughly the five best and five worst ETFs and mutual funds (20 total tickers) in each sector. We analyze every fund's holding based on our stock ratings and measure and rank the all-in costs of investing in a fund. This analysis reveals the highest-rated and lowest-rated ETFs and mutual funds in every sector.

Assets analyzed: Sector ETFs and Mutual Funds

Strategy: Long or Short, Value

Published: Quarterly – receive a PDF of the Model Portfolio via email at the beginning of each quarter. You'll receive the most recent report as soon as you purchase.

Price: $149.97/year or $49.99/quarter

Best & Worst Style ETFs & Mutual Funds

Each quarter, we present roughly the five best and five worst ETFs and mutual funds (20 total tickers) in each style. We analyze every fund's holding based on our stock ratings and measure and rank the all-in costs of investing in a fund. This analysis reveals the highest-rated and lowest-rated ETFs and mutual funds in every style.

Assets analyzed: Style ETFs and Mutual Funds

Strategy: Long or Short, Value or Growth

Published: Quarterly – receive a PDF of the Model Portfolio via email at the beginning of each quarter. You'll receive the most recent report as soon as you purchase.

Price: $149.97/year or $49.99/quarter

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