8-K (Press Release) Coverage Details
8-Ks (press releases) offer an earlier look at a company’s financials than standard annual and quarterly filings (e.g. 10-Ks & 10-Qs), but they often disclose far less financial information.
In order to demonstrate our ability to process and analyze press releases, we updated a small number of our models with 8-K data at the time of their release. A list of the 8-Ks included in our data is below.
Once the standard annual or quarterly filing for the period (i.e. the 10-K or 10-Q) was released, we updated our model as normal, using data from the standard filing instead of the 8-K.
We are not currently adding any additional press releases to coverage, have no immediate plans to add press releases to coverage, and will notify all clients about any change in this policy. For backtest clients, press release data can be removed from a dataset by eliminating all rows where the label in the filing_type field is 8-K.