Unrivaled Auditability of Valuation Models
Clients can audit everything (source data and calculations) that drives our company valuation models. We are 100% transparent with our models because we want you to know how much work we do. Investors deserve 100% transparency if they are to trust any research.
We provide easy, instant access to the exact location within financial filings from which we collect all data. The filing search menu allows users to navigate the filing and find all the adjustments we make in our presentation of adjusted financial statements in the models.
Think of our Marked-Up Filings service as "cliffnotes" versions of filings with all relevant data marked and irrelevant pages removed.
See the video below and this image from one of our models for details on this enhanced functionality.
Ernst & Young proves the material superiority of our measure of financial ratios.
Get real diligence, now.
Big 4 accounting firm, E&Y, proves our research is the best.
See our webinar on importance of ROIC and how to calculate it.
Get our report on "ROIC: The Paradigm For Linking Corporate Performance to Valuation."