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This article originally published on April 30, 2021.

Disclosure: David Trainer, Kyle Guske II, Alex Sword, and Matt Shuler receive no compensation to write about any specific stock, style, or theme.

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    17 replies to "We Want to Hear From You"

    • Matt Mountain

      I found New Constructs via TD Ameritrade and I’m so glad I did. For more than two years, I’ve been using their research, and I can say that, in my experience, their recommendations have held up far better than others offered by TD partners. While I do trade on technicals mostly, I only follow stocks which carry a NC ranking of either 1 or 2. There have also been instances where I got in ahead of significant price target increases, and on many of these occasions I’ve recognized New Constructs as what helped me identify the sound, underappreciated stock. If I could give them six stars, I would. They deserve every one. Whether you’re a day-trader, a swing trader, or someone who’s in it for the long pull Buffet style, you can count on NC research to help you out. I know I do!


      More open and visible for free comments would be welcome. We are constantly bombarded with 12.99, 15.99, 99.99 and so on offers. Worse than a supermarket.

    • Richard R

      Love your approach to investment analysis but I believe you only cover the US market which limits my interest as aUK based global investor at a time when the US market is relatively expensive and the USD likely to depreciate against GBP on a three year view.

    • Terry

      I rely heavily on New Constructs research via TD Ameritrade in every stock buy and sell decision. New Constructs research does an excellent job in identifying quality companies that will have good price appreciation. Takes a lot of anxiety out of investing in stocks, at least, for me.

    • cyosh6733@icloud.com

      I find your analysis is backed by sound research. However, I learned the hard way that Very Attractive does not mean Buy the Stock. I have held on to several stocks that went down and down while still maintaining the Very Attractive rating and asked myself, “Why do these guys not downgrade the stock? Are they missing something?”
      I have concluded that I must use technical analysis to eliminate most of your recommendations and invest only those stocks rising better than the overall market.

    • David Dunaway

      I too, found NC via my TD Ameritrade account and really liked them from the start. I loved the idea of using AI to dig into the financial nuts and bolts of companies in order to identify well run companies. I only buy #1 and #2 rated stocks and prefer to hold for at least a year, if not longer. New Constructs also gives me confidence in my choices when it’s difficult to see where things are going.
      Mistakes are possible, like selling a stock due to a downgrade and watching it blast off anyway, but I find one has to develop an intuition in addition to the really great analysis found in NC.
      Thank you New Constructs!

    • Matt Shuler


      I wanted to make sure you were aware that we provide featured stock reports from our model portfolios, IPO research, sector & industry fundamentals, analysis of accounting rule changes, and filing season finds reports for free. We also want to make sure our members are aware of all the other products and features we offer at different membership levels. Thanks for your feedback!

    • Mitchell Rothman

      I have an MBA in Finance. After graduation, my first job was with a small investment bank that was also involved in portfolio management. The portfolio manager had a 100% success rate, not due to my research as a security analyst but to his collusion with Madoff.
      The above notwithstanding, your extensive scrutiny and intensive analysis results in recommendations that come as close to insider information as possible. I wish that I had the capacity to understand the Whys and Hows of your GAAP adjustments, and the resulting economic valuation. I am still trying to understand how you apply LIFO reserve. Does it add or subtract from value? I am sure if I gave it some thought, I’d figure it out. Maybe. Lastly, I am simply amazed at the probity of your research.

    • John Neyland

      love your service guys, you should consider allowing users to sort the table by “rising EE” or filter to only stocks that have that feature currently

    • Matt Shuler


      Thanks for the feedback!

    • Matt Shuler


      Thanks for the comment! You can read about how we treat LIFO reserves here and here.

    • Eric

      You need to supply more information/statistics on your most Attractive stocks performance.

    • Robert W Phillips

      I have started reading your analyst reports from my TD Ameritrade account. NC seems to provide a more in-depth look at stock than the other analysts on the TD website. My question is what how are you better than the others and why should I look to you to review stocks before I trade? It seems all if the various financial planners and analysts look at published financial data (key metrics such as PE ratio, debt ratio, sales volume, earnings) on companies and couple it with some sort of trending data and produce some sort of rating. Almost all are based on past performance. I am interested in future performance. I have yet to see any sort of demographic nor marketing data enter into the analysis. Please let me your thoughts.

    • Azzy Reckess

      I like your program but find it difficult establishing portfolios

      Azzy Reckess

    • Matt Shuler


      Thanks for your comment. According to Core Earnings: New Data & Evidence, we provide superior fundamental data that when coupled with “Trading strategies that exploit non-core earnings produce abnormal returns of 8% per year.” Furthermore, we’ve shown that there is a strong correlation between improving ROIC and increasing shareholder value.

      Our Long Ideas and Danger Zone reports provide are more in depth analysis than our Robo-Analyst reports and incorporate a variety of factors including demographic data, market share analysis, peer group analysis, industry trends, and an analysis of the opposite case (i.e. the bear case for Long Ideas and the bull case for Danger Zone picks) among other things.

    • Dave

      This is a very impressive concept! If I had followed you exclusively I would have been much better off. Constructively, I wonder why you bother reviewing those small, high expense ratio funds?? Unless you get some benefit from it, I would rather you evaluate even the fad stocks like Nio, etc. if you want to add some pizzazz to your site. In any case, please keep up the good solid work you do on the serious stocks.

    • Dipak Pravin

      Really good approach to research and very welcome in today’s world–ultimately fundamentals matter and no better way to find those then read them!

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