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Want your clients to trust you even more?
Learn how to impress clients with diligence that satisfies the fiduciary duty of care.
How can advisers be sure their investment recommendations will satisfy the fiduciary duty of care?
To answer these questions and more, is hosted the above-named webinar on Thursday, March 30, at 4:15pm EST. David Trainer joined’s editor-in-chief, David Armstrong, to explain how to turn the new fiduciary rule to your competitive advantage.
Learn how the latest in technology makes fulfilling the duty of care easier than ever before.
The future of wealth management will belong to the firms and advisors that leverage technology to provide diligent, affordable, independent advice to a wide array of clients. Reserve your seat and learn more about this future.
The NAEPC has approved this program for one (1) CE credit hour in estate planning for the AEP® designation program.
The Certified Planner Board of Standards (CFP) has approved this program for 1 CE credit hour.
IMCA has accepted The DOL Fiduciary Rule: Turn Challenge Into Competitive Advantage for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®, CIMC® and CPWA® certifications.