Here is a free copy of our report on RIMM for read­ers of Ask Matt.

The val­u­a­tion of RIMM’s stock implies the com­pany’s after-tax cash flow (NOPAT) will permanently decline by nearly 75%. I think mar­ket expec­ta­tions are way too as I describe in detail here.

For details on our analy­sis of the eco­nomic earn­ings of RIMM and our stock rat­ing sys­tem, see the free report avail­able at the link above as well as Invest­ment Strat­egy 101.

For the stocks we con­sider to be the best, see our Most Attrac­tive Stocks newslet­ters. Note that these reports are free after 90 days: free report archive.

Click here to see our top-rated ETFs.

Note: New Constructs is affiliated with a hedge fund that holds a long position in RIMM.