Our Focus List Stocks: Long Model Portfolio outperformed the S&P 500 by 11% in 2022 and by 35% in 2021. Details on the historical performance of all our Model Portfolios can be found here. For real-time tracking of this Model Portfolio, see this index.

This Model Portfolio contains the best of our Long Ideas and leverages superior fundamental data[1], which provides a new source of alpha. This Model Portfolio is designed for investors who are focused on long-term capital appreciation.

Buy the Focus List Stocks: Long Model Portfolio

As of July 7, 2023, we added:

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    2 replies to "Focus List Stocks: Long – Update 7/7/23"

    • Nathaniel Bier

      You have some stocks that have gone down quite a bit.
      Such as Verizon.
      Could you do an update on that stock.

    • Tamara Pesik

      Hi Nathaniel,
      Thank you for your comment. We have noted your request to review Verizon, and we will address it soon.

      Our Focus List: Long is, of course, intended for long-term investment, and we intentionally make infrequent changes. Fluctuations are normal over time, and we regularly review our recommendations to ensure favorable risk-reward ratios. We are committed to providing reliable insights and updating our list as needed.

      Your engagement and feedback is appreciated. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


      Also, p.s. – If you’re interested in more discussion, DCF examples, etc, check out our online community, the Society of Intelligent Investors. Sign up here: http://www.newconstructs.com/society.

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