Safest Dividend Yields: Model Portfolio Update

Get the March edition of our Safest Dividend Yields Model Portfolio – with an average dividend yield of nearly 7%.

New Stocks on Safest Dividend Yields: Featured Stock

Get a free look at one of the new stocks in this month’s Model Portfolio.

Public Comments: Definition of “Fiduciary” 

Read our comments on the Department of Labor’s proposed definition of “Fiduciary.”

Stock Insights Featured In Barron’s

Check out our feature in Barron’s on the likelihood this technology firm is acquired.

Webinar: The Fiduciary Duty of Care: Turn Challenge Into Competitive Advantage & TD Ameritrade are hosting a webinar for David Trainer to explain how to turn the new fiduciary rule to your competitive advantage.

Danger Zone: Negative Margins and Limited Service Offering

Profits for this business have been headed down. Worse, this stock’s valuation poses large downside risk because it is pricing in much more growth than management is promising.

Filing Season Finds: Week In Review March 13-17

From 10-Ks filed March 13-17, our analyst team made 7,185 forensic accounting adjustments with a value of $460 billion. See the breakdown of adjustments made during the previous week of filing season.

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Coverage Updates

  • 163:10-Qs parsed since Mar 1.
  • 1154:10-Ks parsed since Mar 1.
  • 224: Stocks & mutual funds added to coverage universe over the last 3 months.

Danger Zone Podcast

CEO David Trainer sat down with Chuck Jaffe of Money Life to talk about our latest Danger Zone pick.