Our Model Portfolio Performance Vs. The Indexes

Every month, we release our updated Model Portfolios – Exec Comp Aligned with ROICSafest Dividend YieldsDividend Growth Stocks, and the Most Attractive and Most Dangerous stocks. These portfolios offer our clients multiple strategies to outperform in good and bad markets.

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In 2020, we delivered stock picks that outperformed their benchmarks and major indexes and helped protect from blowups.

  • Our small cap short strategy beat the short Russell 2000 by 0.1% in 2020.
    • Note: We recently updated the risk-free rate used to benchmark performance of our market-neutral strategies based on the Most Attractive/Most Dangerous Stocks Model Portfolios. Details here.
  • The Exec Comp Aligned with ROIC Model Portfolio underperformed the S&P 500 in 4Q20 (+4.2% vs. S&P +8.9%).
  • The Safest Dividend Yields Model Portfolio outperformed the S&P 500 on a price (+21.2% vs. S&P +12.1%) and total return (+22.6% vs. S&P +12.6%) basis in 4Q20.
  • The Dividend Growth Stocks Model Portfolio underperformed the S&P 500 on a price (+13.2% vs. S&P +14.9%) and total return basis (+13.7% vs. S&P +14.9%) in 4Q20.[1]

These strategies (and others) have also beaten their benchmarks since the Most Attractive & Most Dangerous inception in January 2005. Since inception, our large and small cap long strategy has returned 9.6% annualized vs. just 7.8% for the S&P 500 and Russell 2000.

Click here to download a full breakdown of our Model Portfolios’ performance in 2020.

[1] S&P 500 performance varies for each portfolio due to different publish dates and measurement periods. See the individual portfolio sections below for more details.