3 Focus List Laggards We Still Love

We remain bullish on these stocks that underperformed in 2021.

#1 Ranked Stock Picker for January

We are the top-ranked stock picker across multiple categories – again.

Most Attractive Stocks: Model Portfolio Update

Six new stocks make this month’s Model Portfolio.

Most Dangerous Stocks: Model Portfolio Update

Four new stocks make this month’s Model Portfolio.

Focus List Stocks – Long: Model Portfolio Update

See the latest update to this Model Portfolio.

Learn more about the best fundamental research

Featured Stock in Dividend Growth Stocks Model Portfolio

Get a free look at one of the stocks in this month's Model Portfolio.

Easy Money Days Are Over – CNBC

As Fed policy becomes less easy, investors need to be more discerning.

Danger Zone Podcast: 12/21/21: Chobani's Priced for Unrealistic Profit Growth

The rumored valuation leaves this IPO with a 79% risk to the downside.

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Coverage Updates

  • 62: 10-Qs parsed since Jan 1.
  • 27: 10-Ks parsed since Jan 1.
  • 69: stocks, ETFs & mutual funds added to coverage universe over the last 3 months.
  • 4: IPOs added to coverage universe over the last 3 months.