Most Understated Earnings
Five S&P 500 companies with better profits than Wall Street thinks.
Most Overstated Earnings
Five S&P 500 companies less profitable than Wall Street thinks.
Expired Meat
2Q earnings solidify this Zombie stock’s status.
Dividend Growth Stocks: Model Portfolio Update
11 new stocks made this month’s Model Portfolio.
Equity Model Adjustments for Financial vs. Non-Financial Companies
In depth explanation of our valuation adjustments for financial companies.
Training Video Library on Youtube
Live Podcast replays, DCF case studies and “Value In 60 Seconds” video shorts.
Live Podcast on September 8th
Join us at 12pmET for an AMA and lively discussion.
NC 2000 & Sector Trends
Updated trends in the NC 2000 and its sectors based on the latest 10-Qs. Available to Professional and Institutional members.
Core Vs. GAAP Earnings
Free: NC 2000 & Sector Trends
Free, abridged versions of the reports above.
Core Vs. GAAP Earnings
Improving Our Interest Coverage Ratio and Credit Rating
Another improvement to our best-in-market financial.
Featured Stock in Safest Dividend Yields Model Portfolio
Get a free look at one of the stocks in this month’s Model Portfolio.
Danger Zone Podcast 8/21/23: Why This Popular Consumer Service Remains in The Danger Zone
2Q core earnings reveal how overvalued this stock remains.
Upcoming Research
- New Long Idea: 9/5/23
- Most Attractive/Most Dangerous: Model Portfolio Update: 9/7/23
- New Danger Zone: 9/11/23
- Exec Comp Aligned With ROIC: Model Portfolio Update: 9/14/23
- Q&A with our experts and other members of our Society of Intelligent Investors. Request an invite here.
Coverage Updates
- 2,398: 10-Qs parsed since Aug 1.
- 213: 10-Ks parsed since Aug 1.
- 360 stocks, ETFs & mutual funds added to our coverage universe over the last 3 months.