There are many ways to calculate free cash flow. Most approaches are short cuts to our more comprehensive approach to the calculation. The formula for FCF can be seen in Figure 1. For more on FCF, see within.
JNJ is not a get rich quick stock that will double within a year, but it is a safe investment with limited downside risk and significant upside potential. A safe investment like JNJ could benefit a lot of investors in such a risky market.
The Health Care sector ranks sixth out of the ten sectors as detailed in my Sector Rankings for ETFs and Mutual Funds report. It gets my Neutral rating, which is based on aggregation of ratings of 22 ETFs and 72 mutual funds in the Health Care sector as of January 15th, 2014.
The Large Cap Growth style ranks fourth out of the twelve fund styles as detailed in my Style Rankings for ETFs and Mutual Funds report. It gets my Neutral rating, which is based on aggregation of ratings of 23 ETFs and 685 mutual funds in the Large Cap Growth style as of July 12, 2013.