
How To Avoid the Worst Sector ETFs 2Q15

Why are there so many ETFs? ETF providers tend to make lots of money on each ETF so they create more products to sell. The large number of ETFs has little to do with serving your best interests. Below are three red flags you can use to avoid the worst ETFs:
by Max Lee

Cutting Thru the Smoke in the Energy Sector

Two of the three stocks added to our large/mid cap Most Dangerous stocks list for November are from the energy sector. Those stocks are Energy XXI (Bermuda) Ltd. (EXXI) and Superior Energy Services (SPN) – both get my very dangerous rating as do all of the Most Dangerous stocks. All of the energy sec­tor ETFs get a dan­ger­ous rat­ing, which means you should sell them.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO