November 19, 20240Comments3Q24 Filing Season: Created $2.6 Million in ValueDuring 3Q24 filing season, we parsed 2,917 filings and created $2,625,300 of value for clients. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
August 20, 20240Comments2Q24 Filing Season: Created $2.5 Million in ValueDuring 2Q24 filing season, we parsed 2,801 filings and created $2,520,900 of value for clients. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
May 22, 20240Comments1Q24 Filing Season: Created $2.6 Million in ValueDuring 1Q24 filing season, we parsed 2,889 filings and created $2,600,100 of value for clients. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
May 10, 20240Comments1Q24 Filing Season Update: Creating $1.8 Million in Value So FarThrough less than three weeks of 1Q24 filing season, we’ve parsed 2,015 filings and created $1,813,500 of value for clients. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
April 3, 20240Comments4Q23 Filing Season: Creating $2 Million Of Value for ClientsDuring the 4Q23 filing season, we parsed 2,314 filings and created $2,082,600 of value for clients. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
November 3, 20230CommentsICYMI: NEW Stock Tracker 50 Membership!!, New Long Idea, A Fund to Avoid, 3Q23 Model Portfolio Performances, & Model Portfolio UpdatesHere's what happened at New Constructs this past week. by Hakan Salt, Associate Investment Analyst
November 2, 20232CommentsIntroducing the Stock Tracker 50 MembershipWe’re excited to announce Stock Tracker 50. This new membership offers streamlined access to our Stock, ETF, and mutual fund ratings. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
May 26, 20210CommentsAlerts for Rating ChangesWe’re excited to provide email alerts and Analyst Notes for our Credit Ratings as we do for Stock Ratings. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
May 20, 20210CommentsCredit Ratings on Your Portfolio PageWe’re excited to announce that all members now get our Credit Ratings on their Portfolio page(s) without the need to expand the rating details. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
May 15, 20200CommentsGet Your API KeyMembers can access our API directly or via our Excel Add-in. Learn how to access here. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
May 15, 20200CommentsAll Members Get our Excel Add-inWe’re excited to announce that all members get access to our Excel Add-in and API at no additional charge. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
March 24, 20202CommentsFree Upgrades for MembersWe're giving free upgrades to Gold, Platinum & Pro Members to the next level of membership through April 30. by David Trainer, Founder & CEO
December 5, 20190CommentsUpdates to our Platinum MembershipStarting December 10, 2019, Platinum memberships will change in two ways. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
August 28, 20190CommentsWinning Ideas for Our ClientsThis pick earned an absolute return of 11% and relative return of 15% in six weeks. Not a bad deal for members. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
October 15, 20160CommentsTD Ameritrade/Scottrade Membership Video TourThis video shows how to access and get the most out of New Constructs through Scottrade. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
October 14, 20160CommentsThomson ONE Offers Direct Access to Our WebsiteThis video shows how to access and get the most out of New Constructs on the Thomson ONE workstation by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
July 25, 20165CommentsGold Membership Video TourTo learn more about our offerings, take the video tour of our Gold membership here. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA
July 25, 20160CommentsPro Membership Video TourTo learn more about our offerings, take the video tour of our Pro membership here. by Kyle Guske II, Senior Investment Analyst, MBA