New Constructs

10-K Filing Season Recap

During filing season, our robo-analyst technology read through 2,139 10-K (or international equivalent) filings and collected 49,862 data points. Our analyst team used this data to make 49,862 adjustments with a dollar value of $16.1 trillion.
by Sam McBride
New Constructs

Filing Season Finds: Tuesday, February 28

Yesterday, our analysts parsed 125 filings and collected 17,650 data points. In total, they made 2,921 adjustments with a dollar value of $599 billion. In particular, analyst Allen L. Jackson found an unusual item yesterday in Allegheny Technologies (ATI) 10-K.
by Sam McBride
New Constructs

Finance 101

Finance is the process for making accounting data useful. Per Accounting 101: accounting data by itself is not useful. Think of accounting data as the words used in the language of Finance. Just as with any language, words can be arranged to convey almost any meaning.
by David Trainer, Founder & CEO