How We Rate Sectors & Industries
The Risk/Reward Rating of a sector or industry is based on the market-weighted aggregation of our models for the stocks in each sector or industry. New Constructs’ stock ratings are powered by the best fundamental data in the business. This paper compares our analysis on a mega cap company to other major providers. Figure 1 displays the criteria and thresholds that go into the Risk/Reward Rating for each sector & industry. Note that the Risk/Reward Rating for a sector or industry uses the same methodology as our stock ratings, except that the component metrics are market-weighted averages for the stocks in the sector or industry. Then, we rate the sectors and industry based on their market-weighted Overall Risk/Reward ranking:
- Top 10% = Very Attractive Rating
- Next 20% = Attractive Rating
- Next 40% = Neutral Rating
- Next 20% = Unattractive Rating
- Bottom 10% = Very Unattractive Rating